#include "stdio.h"
#include "math.h"
void main()
int day1,mon1,year1,day2,mon2,year2;
int ref,dd1,dd2,i;
printf("Enter first day, month, year");
ref = year1;
ref = year2;
printf("No. of days of first date fronm the Jan 1 %d= %d",year1,dd1);
/* Count for additional days due to leap years*/
printf("No. of days from the reference year's first Jan = %d",dd2);
printf("Therefore, diff between the two dates is %d",abs(dd2-dd1));
int func1(x) //x for month y for dd
{ int y=0;
case 1: y=0; break;
case 2: y=31; break;
case 3: y=59; break;
case 4: y=90; break;
case 5: y=120;break;
case 6: y=151; break;
case 7: y=181; break;
case 8: y=212; break;
case 9: y=243; break;
case 10:y=273; break;
case 11:y=304; break;
case 12:y=334; break;
default: printf("Error encountered"); exit(1);
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